In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
%matplotlib inline

In this notebook we will use the Monte Carlo method to find the area under a curve, so first let's define a function $$f(x) = x^2-4x+5$$

In [2]:
f = lambda x:x**2-4*x+5
x = range(0, 11, 1)
y = [f(v) for v in x]

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fcf1b28f9b0>]

Now, we know the probability of a random point being below the curve is equal to $$P_{curve}=\dfrac{A_{curve}}{A_{rectanle}}$$ Where $A_{rectangle}$ is the area of the plot in the given interval, so let's try to integrate it from 0 to 10

In [3]:
#Will use 3000 points
#We want to see the points
for p in range(0, number_points):
    x,y=(random.uniform(0,10), random.uniform(0, 70))
    # If the function for x is greater then the random y, then the point is under the curve
    if f(x) >= y:
        below +=1
ratio = below/number_points

In [4]:
color_func = lambda x,y: (1,0,0) if f(x)>=y else (0,0,1,0.5)
colors = [color_func(x,y) for (x,y) in points]
plt.scatter(*zip(*points), color=colors)
print("Ratio of points under the curve: %.4f" % ratio)
print("Approximated area under the curve: %.4f" % (ratio*700))

Ratio of points under the curve: 0.2747
Approximated area under the curve: 192.2667

Knowing the ratio of points under the curve, we can now calculate the integral as $$P_{curve}A_{rectangle} = A_{cruve}$$ If we take the integral $$\int_0^{10}x^2-4x+5$$ We have $$\dfrac{x^3}{3}-2x^2+5x\big\lvert_0^{10} = \dfrac{10^3}{3}-200+50 = 333.33 - 200 + 50 = 183.33$$ Which is close to the real area, now, let's see how many points we need

In [5]:
def monte_carlo_integration(f, number_points, xlims, ylims):
    for p in range(0, number_points):
        x,y=(random.uniform(*xlims), random.uniform(*ylims))
        # If the function for x is greater then the random y, then the point is under the curve
        if y <= f(x):
            below +=1
    ratio = below/number_points
    area = ratio * (xlims[1]-xlims[0]) * (ylims[1]-ylims[0])
    return (ratio, area)

In [6]:
total_points = 10000
step = 100
estimated = [monte_carlo_integration(f, i, (0,10), (0,70))[1]
for i in range(step,total_points, step)]
mean = sum(estimated)/len(estimated)
print("Mean Approximated value %.4f" % mean)

Mean Approximated value 183.0119

In [7]:
plt.hlines(183.3, 0, total_points/step, 'g')
plt.hlines(mean, 0 , total_points/step, 'r')
plt.legend(['Approximation', 'Real', 'Mean'], loc='best')
plt.ylabel("Estimated area")
plt.xlabel("Points used (x100)")
print("Approximated Integral Value: %.4f" % mean)

Approximated Integral Value: 183.0119

As we can see the more points we sample, the more accurate our approximation is to the real values, now what about if we have segments of our curve under the $x$ axis? Let's look at this example $$g(x) = x^2-4x-8$$

In [8]:
g = lambda x:x**2-4*x-8
x = range(0, 11, 1)
y = [g(v) for v in x]

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fcf193d2e48>]

In [9]:
#Will use 3000 points
#We want to see the points
for p in range(0, number_points):
    x,y=(random.uniform(0,10), random.uniform(-20, 60))
    # If the function for x is greater then the random y, then the point is under the curve
    if f(x) > 0 and 0 < y < f(x):
        below +=1
    if f(x) < 0 and 0 > y >= f(x):
        below += 1
ratio = below/number_points

In [10]:
color_func = lambda x,y: (1,0,0) if (g(x) > 0 and 0 <= y <= g(x)) or (g(x) <= 0 and 0 > y >= g(x)) else (0,0,1,0.5)
colors = [color_func(x,y) for (x,y) in points]
plt.scatter(*zip(*points), color=colors)
print("Ratio of points under the curve: %.4f" % ratio)
print("Approximated area under the curve: %.4f" % (ratio*800))

Ratio of points under the curve: 0.2300
Approximated area under the curve: 184.0000

We can see the area is around 184.0, so let's take the true integral to see if we are close to the real value

We have $$\int_0^{10}x^2-4x+5 = \dfrac{x^3}{3}-2x^2-8x\big\lvert_0^{10} = \dfrac{10^3}{3}-200-80 = 333.33 - 200 - 80 = 53.33$$

So, we are off by a lot, that's because we are adding the area under the $x$ axis instead of subtracting it. To do this, we are going to first, find the point where $g(x) = 0$ which is $x = 2+\sqrt{12} = 2 + 2\sqrt{3}$

In [11]:
#Let's adjust our function to deal with points under the x axis
def monte_carlo_integration(f, number_points, xlims, ylims):
    for p in range(0, number_points):
        x,y=(random.uniform(*xlims), random.uniform(*ylims))
        # If the function for x is greater then the random y, then the point is under the curve
        if f(x) > 0 and 0 < y <= f(x):
            below += 1
        if f(x) < 0 and 0 > y >= f(x):
            below += 1
    ratio = below/number_points
    area = ratio * (xlims[1]-xlims[0]) * (ylims[1]-ylims[0])
    return (ratio, area)
#Calculating the area below and above the x axis (before and after the root)
_, area_before = monte_carlo_integration(g, 1000, (0,2+(12**(1/2))), (-20,60))
_, area_after = monte_carlo_integration(g, 1000, (2+(12**(1/2)),10), (-20,60))
area = area_after-area_before if area_after >= area_before else area_before-area_after
print("Estimated area under the curve: %.4f" % area)

Estimated area under the curve: 47.7057

In [12]:
def monte_carlo_integration_helper(f, number_points, xlims, ylims, root):
    _, area_before = monte_carlo_integration(f, number_points, (xlims[0],root), ylims)
    _, area_after = monte_carlo_integration(f, number_points, (root,xlims[1]), ylims)
    return area_after-area_before if area_after >= area_before else area_before-area_after
total_points = 10000
step = 100
estimated = [monte_carlo_integration_helper(g, i, (0,10), (-20,70), 2+(12**(1/2)))
for i in range(step,total_points, step)]
mean = sum(estimated)/len(estimated)
print("Mean Approximated value %.4f" % mean)

Mean Approximated value 52.9911

In [13]:
plt.hlines(53.3, 0, total_points/step, 'g')
plt.hlines(mean, 0 , total_points/step, 'r')
plt.legend(['Approximation', 'Real', 'Mean'], loc='best')
plt.ylabel("Estimated area")
plt.xlabel("Points used (x100)")
print("Approximated Integral Value: %.4f" % mean)

Approximated Integral Value: 52.9911